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The Outliers Inn

The Outliers Inn is a place where people from all businesses and roles within business can examine goings-ons from different and hopefully humourous perspectives. It’s a place where we can be a lot less serious about ourselves, what we do, what our businesses do, and the manner in which they do it.

Whether you are in finance, sales, logistics, production. operations, human resources. facilities management. information technology – whatever your role might be – business people are always taking themselves too seriously – or are taken too seriously by others. All that ends here.

It’s a place where respectful irrevernce and self-deprecating humor is the order of the day.
We release a new podcast at least once a month though when during the month that is varies based on everyone’s schedule. Please consider subscribing to the podcast so as not to miss an episode.

May 23, 2019

Topic: Although fraught with great peril, our intrepid hosts open-up the podcast to call-ins.  What can go wrong?  Well, everything can go wrong.  But in spite of the incredible odds, our first call-in episode went rather well.  So well, in fact, that the call-in format will be our new standard format for the show. In this first call-in episode, we will discuss the challenges faced when authority to effect transformation does not exist, but only influence – and the various approaches that might work under such circumstances.  And yes, we wade into geo-politics; starting with Brexit and moving to tariffs and the negative impact on businesses and their behavior when a lack of predictability exists.

Hosts: Joseph Paris, Founder of the OpEx Society & The XONITEK Group of Companies
  Benjamin Taylor,  Managing Partner of RedQuadrant.

Guests: A few call-in guests.

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