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The Outliers Inn

The Outliers Inn is a place where people from all businesses and roles within business can examine goings-ons from different and hopefully humourous perspectives. It’s a place where we can be a lot less serious about ourselves, what we do, what our businesses do, and the manner in which they do it.

Whether you are in finance, sales, logistics, production. operations, human resources. facilities management. information technology – whatever your role might be – business people are always taking themselves too seriously – or are taken too seriously by others. All that ends here.

It’s a place where respectful irrevernce and self-deprecating humor is the order of the day.
We release a new podcast at least once a month though when during the month that is varies based on everyone’s schedule. Please consider subscribing to the podcast so as not to miss an episode.

Dec 28, 2020

Recorded: November 24, 2020

About the podcast

Antlerboy starts off the show with a confession; that he has been seeing other people – in fact quite a selection of other people.  Behind JP’s back but in broad daylight, he has been recording two other podcasts; “Joy and Work” for leading (public)...

Dec 15, 2020

Recorded: October 26, 2020

About the podcast

Welcome to another “open mic” edition at The Outliers Inn with JP and stand-in co-host Don Burshnick who has co-hosted enough episodes that he can be considered the co-co-host. 

JP and Don start-off the conversation by sharing how refreshing it is to get...

Oct 28, 2020

Recorded: September 21, 2020

About the podcast

and now for something completely different

And Now For Something Completely Different! It’s another “Open Mic” night at  The Outliers Inn.  And in this episode, Benjamin and JP discover there might be a couple of interpretations of that open invitation.  It would appear that, in addition to...

Sep 22, 2020

Recorded: August 3, 2020

About the podcast

Topic: One of our regular guests, Don Burshnick, stands-in for Antlerboy and takes his place behind the bar - somewhere at which he is all too familiar and steps right into the roll.

We start the evening off with a discussion about SpaceX and the...

Aug 18, 2020

July 14, 2020

About the podcast

Topic: Okay, the notion was noble, but the presentation might have been better.  If this was an episode of Master Chef with Antlerboy and JP being the wanna-be cooks, we would certainly have presented a repulsive-looking dish, but it tasted darn good.

So here’s...