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The Outliers Inn

The Outliers Inn is a place where people from all businesses and roles within business can examine goings-ons from different and hopefully humourous perspectives. It’s a place where we can be a lot less serious about ourselves, what we do, what our businesses do, and the manner in which they do it.

Whether you are in finance, sales, logistics, production. operations, human resources. facilities management. information technology – whatever your role might be – business people are always taking themselves too seriously – or are taken too seriously by others. All that ends here.

It’s a place where respectful irrevernce and self-deprecating humor is the order of the day.
We release a new podcast at least once a month though when during the month that is varies based on everyone’s schedule. Please consider subscribing to the podcast so as not to miss an episode.

Dec 20, 2017

  Topic:  A Canadian with a store called, Uncle Sam's and an ambidextrous artist known for her "Cool People" walk into a bar. Neither drink - but alas drink in LIFE! Together, they meet to discuss their downtown, New York City take-over. Richard, the mayor of 8th Street joins Storm, the new creative innovator on the...

Nov 17, 2017

About the Podcast

Topic: We were pleased to have Dino Marsili speak to us at today’s Episode #24 of the Outliers Inn. Dino is a Certified Master Black Belt at Cisco Systems. In fact, he is the first ever Cisco Certified Master Black Belt. His predecessors are all recognized Master Black Belts from other...

Oct 26, 2017

Topic: Linus, Sheepddog, Rumplestiltskin, Time Bandits, Musk Ox, Dragonfly, Autolycus. Not secret code, and not the usual macho names for military strategies. In fact, these are some of the 80 'patterns of strategy', in the book by the same name from Patrick Hoverstadt and Lucy Loh, together Fractal Consulting. They...

Sep 18, 2017

About the Podcast

Topic: Our guest this week is Gem Holmes, no longer a hidden "Gem" but a public speaker and organisational change leader, who shares a love of Primitivo with JP and a change leader in Northgate plc. A natural born leader with a drive to deliver 'excellence'.  Change & transformation has a...

Aug 18, 2017

About the Podcast

Topic: The guest for this episode is Russell Gundry, who tries to argue with Antlerboy and JP that Operational Excellence is all wrong. The trouble is they end up agreeing, mostly. We discuss how operational excellence can be misguided to solving the wrong problems, and the importance...